Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Frustrating things in life! 1: Stepmoms!

Ok so I've been avoiding going to my dads house a little after Christmas due to a HUGE gap between what i follow in life and what my stepmom follows in life, but I caved in on monday and went ahead and visited they're house. I got dinner AND desert so you'd think I was leaving a really happy puppy right...well we sat down to eat. I started peeling a potato and before there is anything on my plate and im only halv way throu my peeling of the potato she already manages to not just hint, but downright point out i should be less selfish and stop just thinking about myself. ME!? Now I don't run around doing favors all day, but anyone who knows me knows i always say yes if they ask me to help or otherwise contribute in some way unless it's something really out of my skill set. For a only child that was ALOT worse before im thinking im doing ok by now. I even borrowed 80 bucks right before Christmas to someone i bearly knew to save his Christmas and im the asshole here becouse there is one holyday that I don't want to celebrate?! How about she takes her head out of her ass and respects that im 26 and can choose weather or not to celebrate Christmas. No she's too selfi...i mean it's to rich and jolly of a holyday to respect other peop....i mean to not get together and celebrate it. I mean i was getting free food, pretty much my favorite dinner and defenitly my favorite desert and my dad was even going to drive me home afterwards to save me the trouble of getting home on my own and I was already regretting coming over.

Now before you think "Why so mean? She only wants to see you" this isen't the only thing she grinds me with. My tattoos, my gaming, my clothing style, my long black hair, my ex's that she liked that I no longer talk about that she thinks i should have ended up with becouse SHE liked them, always asks about girls I mention even after I clearly say "We're friends. There is no way she'll end up as my girlfriend"...multible times...ARG! Now my stand on gay people, anti religon stance and mayby also my relaxed/enjoying life type of living is a little hard to swallow at times, but is it really that painful to just not point out how im wearing shorts at the wrong time of year and how black is not my color EVERY SINGLE TIME I come over? Perhaps if i could avoid some of these things i might just come over on my own for once...Im pretty sure if she read this she would say something like "This isen't refering to me is it? Diden't think you had any other stepmoms...". And worse of all she woulden't have been tring to be sarcastic. She's just that oblivius to the ide that she might be wrong for once...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Things to accept with life! 1: Gay hati'n

So the first of many things to accept in life is about gay people. I really disslike it but there really isen't much to do about it. Gay people are always going to get hate. This might seem kind of negative and depressive, but there is really no way to change this compleatly.

There is always going to be some religous nut preaching about how guys kissing guys and girls kissing girls is a exelent way to get yourself a express ticket to hell. I mean once someone puts a huge granite statue of the ten commandments in a court building and can't understand how that is ageinst the constetution, you know you got yourself a problem. Also when some preachers ide of "accepting" gays is that it's ok to be gay as long as you don't get married, don't tell anyone that your gay, don't have gay sex, don't temt others into gay acts and most important of all accept that beeing gay is going to send you strait to hell, there is also a strong notion that the hate is here to stay. Ironic it is when people who preach like that get busted in motel rooms with transvestite hookers while high on cocain and with plenty more cocain ready on the bedstand. High five to them for nuking they're political career compleatly without any work needed on our side. Saves us the trouble :-D

We can however kick these idiots out of office head first into the street. It's about time leaders of the countries around the world became more aware that there are quite a few different people in theire countries that do much MUCH worse things that live happily ever after with someone of the same sex. I mean really! Killers and rapists should really get more flak than the gay people in the population.

"But 2 guys where kissing in public": Oh eat my snot. Perhaps we should worry more about the kid that brought a bunch of automatic wepons to school and put extra holes in his fellow students or the dude who painted the wall of some local diner with another dudes brains a little attention and worry about public show of affection when there if universal peace and love in the world. Oh wait then we woulden't really care anymore would we...

"But it's ageinst my religon": Hey guess what fuckface. It's not his religon. If you can't respect that then your stepping on alot more toes than you have any ide of.

Anyways as you can see this is kind of doomed to persist for quite a while longer just as not even today can some people accept that the USA has a Black president. We are all morons. Im just hoping im less of a moron than some certain others...


So this will be my blog of all weird and/or stupid things running throu my mind. We'll see how it pans out. So get ready to experience how it is to think like a radical, open minded loner/outcast type of person. Im so going to get falck from freinds and family for that description, but mayby they'll learn something too! Quick note im going to keep all my posts with simular titles if it involves simular things in hope people who actually read this can keep up with what they want to keep up with :-)